It all started in 2011 with a gut-wrenching experience (literally, we’re talking digestive issues here). At the same time, I was suffering from debilitating migraines. I was desperate to feel better. And that is how my personal healing journey began.
Then, in 2016, just as I was starting to feel physically better, the Universe threw me another curveball, as it always happens. A personal crisis hurled me to my rock bottom.​ There, at my lowest, I faced a spiritual awakening that reconnected me to the magic of life that had been, coincidently, surrounding me all along.
I've learned so much about health, wellness and spirituality on my journey. I became the "been there, tried that" person when it came to holistic and alternative methods of healing. Along the way, I realized that my own health struggles were opportunities to help others. In 2019, I enrolled at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to become a certified health coach. That same year, I began to train in Reiki.
In 2020, I heard the call to move to Tulum, Mexico. There, in the Mayan jungle, I took my holistic studies and personal healing to the next level. I completed my Reiki Master training in August 2020. I experienced my first breathwork class, bioressonance, shamanic healings, and many other wellness modalities.
One of the most profound lessons of my journey has been learning about the role that our emotions play in our physical well-being. I am a firm believer that every physical symptom has an underlying emotion. I wanted to learn a modality that helped people release negative emotions that might be causing physical disharmony or holding them back on an energetic level. That's when I discovered Mind Body Spirit Release™ and trained to become a Foundational practitioner in 2022.
In December 2022, I completed 200-hour intensive with the Tulum Yoga School in sound healing, meditation, breathwork and yin yoga.
My decade long journey of self-healing and learning has brought me to this point. I am excited to collaborate with others who wish to balance their mind, body and spirit.
Thank you for reading my story. I hope I get the chance to hear yours, too — either way, I'm glad you're here!